The Best Food for Budgies: Bird Seed, Fruit, Vegetables, and More

The Best Food for Budgies: Bird Seed, Fruit, Vegetables, and More

What are some of the best foods for budgies? To prevent your budgies from nutrient deficiencies they should be fed a varied diet that consists of pellets, fruits, vegetables, and even nuts. Some common types of seeds are offered in parakeet blends or can be bought separately for budgies and other small/medium birds. Buying your…

5 Reasons Why Budgies Are Great Pets for Children

5 Reasons Why Budgies Are Great Pets for Children

It’s a very exciting time when the family decides to bring an animal into the family. The children think about how much fun they’re going to have playing with their new pet and training it and spending lots of time with it, and mom and dad think about the cleaning of it and the more…