The Best Food for Budgies: Bird Seed, Fruit, Vegetables, and More

The Best Food for Budgies: Bird Seed, Fruit, Vegetables, and More

What are some of the best foods for budgies? To prevent your budgies from nutrient deficiencies they should be fed a varied diet that consists of pellets, fruits, vegetables, and even nuts. Some common types of seeds are offered in parakeet blends or can be bought separately for budgies and other small/medium birds. Buying your…

budgies like to be kissed

Is Budgie Breeding an Expensive Hobby?

Introduction Budgies, or budgerigars, are one of the parakeet species that are native to Australia and can be found naturally in flocks in the open woodlands, grasslands and scrublands down under. Wild budgies are slightly smaller in size when compared to their domesticated relations, and their predominant colour is green while captive birds range from…

Curing Budgie Sicknesses Naturally | Complete Guide

Curing Budgie Sicknesses Naturally | Complete Guide

Table of Contents Budgies are fascinating little creatures. They’re often sweet and gentle, but they can also be a handful when it comes to their health. This is why it’s important to know what healthy budgie behaviours look like in order to recognise the warning signs of illness or injury. Here’s a complete guide on…